April 11th, Week 18, Bulk Shipment
Logistics Delay
We have run into an unexpected delay in shipping the bulk orders from China to the US. We are waiting on the export customs agent to complete the paperwork at the moment so we can move the shipment from the warehouse. DHL will be handling freight which will take 5-8 days from the date of departure. It will take us a handful of days to QC and count all the items once they are in our hands. The master schedule will be updated once all the items are tendered to DHL.
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Previous updates below.
- Decmber Update 1 - 12/3/17 - We're now done with the GB and have stopped taking orders. I am discussing MOQ with the vendor at the moment to see if we can convince the factories to produce a number of items that are not quite at MOQ. Most of the bent steel stuff has made it though and we're waiting to hear back on anodization and if we'll be able to anodize all the items that fall under a single color in one bath to make them available. As far as items that didn't meet MOQ, I'm in the process of emailing everyone who had something that didn't quite make it to production. If you're one of those people, you'll have the option of choosing another option or taking a full refund. ALL order changes are due Monday, December 10th.
- January Update 1 - 1/13/18 - We are still on track for the Mid February / Early March Ship date for all orders. Laser cut plates, bent plates, integrated cases and PCBs will be finished sometime later this month and should be packed and ready to ship to the US by the last week of this month. Aluminum cases are due a little later on the week before Lunar New Year and will be shipping mid-February if everything goes to plan and no delays are encountered. The risers for the aluminum cases have undergone a small change that will not affect functionality. The front and rear edges that meet the case will be slightly rounded with a .2mm fillet as to retain the anodization during handling. We've worked with the factory to produce a small batch of these updated cases before the production time that was secured so there will be a small run of these shipped to us later this month to check everything over and if there aren't any issues, we'll continue with production and complete the cases as scheduled.
- January Update 2 - 1/31/18 - We were just notified of a delay with PCB production and would like to let everyone know that we will not be able to fulfill orders in the Feb 12 to Mar 3 time frame that we were shooting for. The factory that is completing SMD work will be closing earlier than expected on the 5th of February due to an inspection and will not able to finish the PCBs until they restart production after their Lunar New Year break. We are looking to get the PCBs completed and shipped to the United States sometime around early/mid March. The updated ship date for all orders is now sometime around mid March. We have finished production on the CNC cases, laser cut plates, bent plates and integrated cases as scheduled. They are currently being counted and quickly checked over at the warehouse and will be shipped here around the middle of February for quality inspection before orders are packed as PCBs arrive in March. We will provide another update with more exact dates as we continue to receive information from the factory. We are very sorry about the delay and if there are any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at contact@switchplate.co
- February Update 1 - 2/17/18 - We've just received all the stabilizers and switches ordered as extras for the GB and have started packing sorting and bagging everything. PCBs look to be finished the first or second day that the factory comes back from vacation, but isn't an exact ship date for them as everyone is celebrating Lunar New Year this week. We'll be updating everyone again once we get more information and the project moves forward.
- March Update #1 - Production has resumed in China and will wrap up shortly. There was a minor discrepancy in the dates that we were given last time and the factory doing SMD assembly will have the PCBs finished this Friday (Mar 9). We expect that it will take approximately a week for the PCBs to arrive at the warehouse and for the staff to complete sorting. All other items are finished and at the consolidation warehouse at this moment. Once the PCBs are shipped there, they will be sorted and packed to ship to the US and EU. Revised timeline at the moment looks as follows
- March 2 - Restart of PCB assembly
- March 9 - Completion of PCB assembly
- March 16 - Completion of consolidation and bulk packing
- Late March (TBD) - Receive, sort and QC bulk shipment
- Late March / Early April (TBD) - Pack and ship to customers
- Mid / Late April (TBD) - Finish orders requiring assembly